Team Rush Data Transfer

From San Francisco Rush Wiki
The selftest menu with the new option

Team Rush data can be transferred from older versions of San Francisco Rush 2049 to a new version of the game. This includes player names, coin counts, miles, and unlocks.

Due to the differences in the game physics, player times are not included in this transfer.

Once a transfer is completed, Team Rush data will be unavailable on the old version of the game without data modification.

Transferring Data

An IDE ribbon cable with support for a primary and secondary device must be used. The cable that comes with the game only allows a primary device to plug in.

  1. Plug the new drive in as primary, and the old drive in as secondary. On a colored IDE ribbon cable, the blue end plugs into the game, the black end plugs into the primary drive, and the grey end plugs into the secondary drive. Depending on the drive, you may need to configure jumpers to adjust drive type.
  2. Turn the game on, and go to the selftest menu.
  3. If both drives are correctly detected, a new option in the menu will be present: "COPY PLAYER DATA"
  4. Upon selection, the game will transfer the data.
  5. The game's power can now be turned off, and the old drive removed.

The Team Rush data is now ready to be used in the newer revision of the game.

Data Modification

Midway thanks you on behalf of these players.

Even though the game makes the transferred data unusable on the old version of the game, it is possible to undo this.

Background Information

[UNCONFIRMED] When the data transfer completes, the game changes a byte in the Team Rush data header from hex=14 to hex=00. This in turn makes the game no longer see the data on the hard drive. By changing this byte back, the game will once again see the player data.

Because this information is stored on the hard drive three times for redundancy, this byte also needs to be fixed in all three versions of the data.


  1. Look for the hex string: 00 3C 03 00 00 30 C7 66 E1 9B 0B 45 A2 00 00 00
  2. Replace the first "00" with "14" like so: 14 3C 03 00 00 30 C7 66 E1 9B 0B 45 A2 00 00 00
  3. Repeat this for the next two versions of the data, and save your changes.

The older version of the game should now show all Team Rush data as it once did before the transfer.